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Gold Sea Moss Gel

102 minerals -Burdock root, elderberry & bladderwreck seamoss Choose a flavor below
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92 minerals Choose a flavor below
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Product Details
LiveYaLife Wellness presents Wildcrafted Gold Sea Moss Gel. Gold Sea Moss Gel  is a cell proliferating product, as it regenerates and rebuilds most cells in the body. It contains vitamins A, C, E, K, B1, and B12. This superfood contains a high content of iodine, calcium, manganese, zinc, bromine, iron and protein. Considerable amounts of magnesium and sodium phosphates can be traced. Sea Moss Gold is low in fat and has a few calories, making it ideal for bodybuilders or those who are fasting. It's a healthy alternative to over the counter vitamin and mineral supplements because it is a rich source of vegetable protein, which provides a full spectrum of beta-carotene, chlorophyll, enzymes, amino acids, and fiber. Uses topically and orally: skin irritation, facial mask, & add to foods & beverages. This product lasts only two weeks. Keep refrigerated.
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Gold Sea Moss Gel

Juices for your Soul

Juice cleanses are designed to give your body a break from processed foods, refined sugars and foods that inhibit proper digestion for a healthier gut. Flooding your body with high frequency juice full of phytonutrients, vitamins and enzymes that are powerhouse in the clean-up and healing process.

All juices come in 12 oz Bottles

1 day cleanse 6 bottles - $54.99 tax excluded

2 day cleanse 12 bottles - $96.99 tax excluded

3 day cleanse 18 bottles - $126.99 tax excluded

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Cleanse your body

Improve health 

Rejuvenate your skin

Boost immunity

Travel friendly

Mental clarity 

PICK_UP_ONLY! We do not offer shipping or delivery to other states. Once order is submitted it is non-refundable.

Please remember juicing is not a meal replacement more like a snack or beverage with a healthy meal keep juice is refrigerated. Best taste cold and juice nutrients and minerals are basically consumed within three days after purchased. 

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